- Home
- Invest Aberdeen
- Aberdeenshire Council - Coastal Communities Challenge Fund
- Argyll and Bute Council Business Start-up Grant
- Access To Work mental health support service
- Environmental Placement Programme - host a student or graduate for an environmental project
- Early Careers Programme - host a student or graduate for a project
- British Business Bank - Start Up Loans
- Business Energy Scotland
- Solar PV fast track assessment
- Lighting assessment
- SME Loan Scheme with cashback while funds last
- On-demand webinars from Business Energy Scotland
- How to run a more cost-effective and environmentally sustainable office
- Free online Green Champions training - CPD certified
- Quick guide to heat pumps for your business
- A quick guide on insulation for your business property
- Quick guide to radiant heating for your business
- Quick guide to solar PV suitability for your business
- Quick guide to biomass heating for your business
- How to carry out a successful biomass heating project - procurement guide
- How to procure resource-efficient equipment
- Simple lighting calculator tool
- Tool to calculate costs of lighting improvement
- Guidance on how to set up a Green Team in your business
- Retail energy savings
- How your business can save money and energy on lighting
- Guide for businesses on how to save energy heating the workplace
- Guide on how to conduct an energy audit
- Tool for businesses to optimise your heating controls
- Video guide and toolkit to measure and monitor your business energy use
- Show staff how to save at home
- 40 quick and easy ways to cut your energy bills and carbon footprint
- How to answer questions from your employees and colleagues about climate change
- How to calculate your carbon footprint
- How to encourage staff to recycle
- 10 ways to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint while working from home
- Resource efficiency at work
- 5 simple steps to start saving energy
- Free resources to encourage your employees to save energy
- Food and drink energy savings
- Manufacturing energy savings
- Growing Business 1 to 1 Advisory Service
- Planning to Start
- Digital health check
- 10 Point Plan - The winning pitch
- A guide to SEO for small businesses
- Accounts and bookkeeping - the basics
- Achieving an employee buyout
- Advertising - the basics
- App development guide
- Auditing your digital presence - a how-to guide
- Branding - the basics
- Branding guides
- British Business Bank - Supporting business growth in Scotland
- Business plan template
- Buy an existing business in the UK
- Buying business premises
- Cashflow management - the basics
- Choose the right name for your business
- Choosing and managing suppliers
- Choosing your business premises
- Computer hardware - the basics
- Computer software - the basics
- Cyber resilience toolkit
- Designing for your customers
- Developing new products and services
- Digital marketing strategy guide - entry level
- Digitise your business processes - entry level
- Digitise your business processes - intermediate level
- Download your business plan guide
- E-commerce and selling online - the fundamentals
- E-commerce overview
- Email marketing - overview
- Employee working hours
- Employing people - the options
- Ensure employee safety when using equipment
- Environmental responsibilities
- Facebook for business
- Family-run businesses
- Financial Advice
- Finding finance
- GDPR for businesses
- Giving employees time off work
- Health and safety for employers
- Help for start-ups - the support available for your start up
- How to improve your digital skills
- How to set up an innovation start-up business
- How to start a business - the basics
- How to use influencer marketing to boost your business
- Human Resources
- Increase your profitability
- Intellectual property - the basics
- Joint ventures and partnering
- Legal structures - the basics
- LinkedIn for business
- Local authority services
- Market and customer research
- Marketing and Sales
- Measuring business performance
- Meeting the challenges of growth
- Naming your limited company or limited liability partnership
- Non-disclosure agreements
- Objectives and results - top 5 tips from an expert
- Occupational health and welfare - the basics
- Paid advertising guide
- Pay - your obligations as an employer
- Pre-employment checks for employers
- Prepare a business plan
- Prepare a business plan for growth
- Preventing discrimination and valuing diversity
- Producing engaging content guide
- Quick fixes to up your Instagram game
- Renting business premises
- Responding to customers online
- Risk management and business continuity planning
- Running a business
- Safely handle and transport substances
- Sales channels - your options
- Guide to search engine optimisation - SEO
- Selling or closing your business - the basics
- Set up and register a limited company
- Set up and register a limited liability partnership
- Set up and register as self-employed
- Setting targets and key performance indicators
- Should my business be on Instagram
- Social media content calendar template
- Social media for business
- Social media strategy guide
- Start a business from home
- Starting a business
- Starting a business as a non-UK national
- Starting a part-time business
- Starting a social enterprise
- Starting up - common mistakes and how to avoid them
- Starting your own business
- Stock control
- Storing goods and materials
- Strategic planning - the basics
- Support for innovation research and development
- Tax advantages for new businesses
- Templates for employers
- Training your employees
- Using standards as quality benchmarks
- VAT - the basics
- Guide to using video for businesses
- Website data analytics - entry level
- Women in Business
- Write a marketing plan
- Write an e-marketing plan
- Selecting the right platforms to run online classes
- How to gather customer feedback using digital platforms
- Action plan for managing your new online platform
- Next steps once you have started selling online
- How to make a podcast for your business in 11 simple steps
- Keeping your SEO and PPC up to date
- Redundancy support for employers and employees in Scotland
- How to select an online booking system
- How to diversify your small business
- Use digital marketing to find new customers
- Key steps in redundancy
- An introduction to digital business models for your new business idea
- Checklist for start-ups - setting up your digital presence
- Quick ways to test if your business idea is viable
- Digital tools and techniques to identify consumer trends
- 5 ways you can gain insights from online competitor analysis
- What is Google Analytics 4 and what are my next steps
- 8 digital aims and goals for your business launch
- Build your own website
- Popular web builder tools
- Designing and building a sustainable website
- Making your current website more sustainable
- An intro to sustainable web design
- Understanding cashflow
- Cashflow - how to manage your invoicing to get paid more quickly
- Business Gateway podcast
- Artificial intelligence - the basics
- Clackmannanshire Council Expert Help Programme
- Clackmannanshire Council Employability support - job broker service and Employer Recruitment Incentive
- Creative Scotland - Open Fund for Individuals
- National Lottery Open Fund for Organisations - Creative Scotland
- The Illustrated Freelancers Guide
- Cyber and Fraud Incident Response Helpline
- Cyber resilience advice and guidance for Scottish organisations
- Collaborative Innovation Projects
- Data Skills for Work
- How to use data and data science to improve your business
- The Data Lab Academy - Student Placement Programme
- Export Support Service
- UK Export Academy
- Milk Round Technology Accelerator
- Maker space facilities
- Disclosure and Protecting Vulnerable Groups training
- Dumfries and Galloway Expert Help
- Dundee City Council commercial property search
- BioDundee
- Invest in Dundee
- Tayside Expert Help Programme
- East Ayrshire Council Business Start-Up Grant
- East Ayrshire Net Zero Grant
- beReady programme
- goStrategy programme for businesses in East Ayrshire
- East Dunbartonshire Business Start-Up Grant
- East Dunbartonshire Business Growth Grant
- Work EastRen business recruitment and funding advice
- East Renfrewshire Council Business Growth Fund
- East Renfrewshire Council Get to Zero - Green Job Skills Training Grant
- East Renfrewshire Council Micro Grants Fund
- East Renfrewshire Council SBA Get to Zero Grant
- East Renfrewshire Council Special Growth Grant
- Flagship Accelerator
- Academic Accelerator
- Grey Matters - The Company Creation Programme
- Low Emission Zone Support Fund for Businesses
- Low Emission Zone Retrofit Fund
- Switched on Taxis Loan
- Green Heat Installer Engagement Programme
- Green Network for Businesses
- Falkirk Council Expert Help
- Falkirk Council human resources advisory service
- Falkirk Council Low Carbon Advisory Service
- Falkirk Council Digital Clinic
- Falkirk Council Environmental Improvement Fund
- Falkirk Council Employer Recruitment Incentive funding
- Start It
- Build It
- Social Innovation Challenge
- The Catalyst Fund
- Pounds for Purpose
- LaunchMe
- Business Growth Programme
- Glasgow city centre minor improvements grant
- Grant to improve vacant properties in Glasgow city centre
- Glasgow Guarantee
- UK government Find a grant service
- One-to-one business support meetings
- Drop-in surgery for business support
- Rural Enterprise Directory Scotland
- Business mentoring programme
- Youth self employment programme
- Networking events
- Online learning sessions
- Working Health Services Scotland
- Free health at work support from Healthy Working Lives
- Free online training from Healthy Working Lives
- Business start-up grant for individuals in the Highland Council area
- The Highland Council Growing Business Growth Fund
- Community Loan Fund
- Start-Up and Growth Loan
- Intellectual Property Audit
- Support for Communities Framework
- Highlands and Islands Enterprise application support for Scottish EDGE
- Free export advice from Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- Highlands and Islands Enterprise digital tourism specialist advice
- Scottish Land Fund
- Technology Placement Programme
- Community Right to Buy Fund
- Highlands and Islands Enterprise Green Grant Fund
- Community Assets Knowledge Exchange
- Cycling Tourism Facilities Fund
- Life Sciences Growth Fund
- Young Business Capital Grant
- Highlands and Islands Enterprise innovation service
- Food and Drink TechHUB
- Historic Environment Grants Programme
- Guide to Energy Retrofit of Traditional Buildings
- Managing change to historic buildings and places
- Home Energy Scotland private sector landlord advice
- Free energy saving workshops for employees
- Free home energy e-learning
- Bioeconomy Cluster Builder
- Spin Out Support Programme
- IBioIC Feasibility Funding
- Facilities Access Fund
- IBioIC annual conference
- Guidance on how to apply for Innovate UK funding opportunities
- Innovation Funding Service
- The Innovation Hub
- Interface - connecting businesses to academics
- Connecting businesses to specialist facilities and equipment
- Funding for the Advanced Innovation Voucher
- Funding to develop a new product or process or service
- Funding to develop your workplace practices
- Inverclyde Council Business Loan Scheme
- Inverclyde Council Business Assistance Grant
- Inverclyde Council Property Assistance Scheme
- Inverclyde Council Marketing Grant for Businesses
- Inverclyde Council Grant for Tourism Businesses
- Inverclyde Council Business Training Grant
- Inverclyde Council New Business Start-Up Grant
- Inverclyde Council Capital Equipment Grant
- Inverclyde Council new business start-up grant - commercial premises
- Inverclyde Council Business Digital Grant
- Inverclyde Council Business Exporting Grant
- Inverclyde Council Towards Net Zero Grant
- Inverclyde Council Staff Wellbeing Grant
- Inward investment support
- Business property and land in Fife
- Free consultancy support for Fife-based businesses
- Trade development programme - helping you exhibit
- Fife Investment Fund
- Grants for Fife businesses
- Fife Start-Up Grant
- Culture of Enterprise programme - inspiring future entrepreneurs
- Find development land for sale in Angus
- Find business properties to lease or buy in Angus
- Angus Job Search portal and support
- Shared Apprenticeship Ltd
- Invest in Stirling
- Investment Fund for Scotland
- Just Enterprise business webinars for social enterprises
- Social Shifters online community forums for social enterprises
- Just Enterprise start-up support for the third sector in Scotland
- Just Enterprise business support for the third sector in Scotland
- Just Enterprise leadership programmes for the third sector in Scotland
- Just Enterprise online learning
- Midlothian Council LACER Fund
- Midlothian Business Start-Up Grant
- Free access to technologies to modify the surfaces of medical devices
- Free access to 3D printing and prototyping technologies for medical devices
- Free access to cutting and moulding tools for prototyping medical devices
- Free access to precision cutting and shaping tools for medical devices
- Regulatory support for businesses in Midlothian
- Midlothian Council HR Consultancy Support
- Midlothian Council Financial Management Consultancy Support
- Invest in Midlothian
- Midlothian Business Carbon Charter
- Commercial Properties Midlothian
- Properties and plots for sale and lease in Moray
- Collaborative research and development
- Directly funded research projects
- NMIS insights webinars
- NMIS Insights online webinars - live
- Protected species licensing
- Non-native species licensing
- Peatland restoration fund
- Planning and development advice
- Managing access and recreation
- Guidance covering environmental regulations
- NetRegs environmental e-learning courses
- North Ayrshire Council Business Support Fund
- North Ayrshire Council - Green Jobs Fund
- North Ayrshire Council - Inward Investment Service
- North Lanarkshire Business Growth Fund
- North Lanarkshire Business Start Up Fund
- North Lanarkshire Small Business and Self-Employed Support Scheme
- North Lanarkshire Energy Audit Voucher
- Orkney Islands Council New Business Start-Up Grant
- Orkney Islands Council Small Business Training Grant
- Orkney Islands Council Graduate and Post-Graduate Placement Scheme
- Orkney Islands Council Economic Development Grant Scheme
- Perth and Kinross Council Green Capital Development Grant
- Scottish Government Public Contracts Scotland
- Renfrewshire Council Business Property Search
- Renfrewshire Council Business Resilience Grant
- Renfrewshire Council Business Training Support Grant
- Renfrewshire Council Net Zero Grant
- Renfrewshire Council Business Restart Loan
- Renfrewshire New Business Start-Up Grant
- Renfrewshire Digital Development Grant
- Renfrewshire Council Town Centre Premises Grant
- Food and drink business training programme
- International trade missions with the Scottish Chambers of Commerce
- Scottish Council for Development and Industry events and webinars
- Advice and support to improve your recruitment and selection processes using the SCQF
- Get your internal learning and training formally credited by the SCQF
- SCQF Inclusive Recruiter recognition scheme
- SCQF Database of credit rated qualifications in Scotland
- Compare qualification types on the SCQF Interactive Framework
- An employer guide to using SCQF levels
- Compare qualifications across the UK and Ireland
- Compare past and current Scottish qualifications
- How Recognition of Prior Learning - RPL - can be used in the workplace
- Level job roles to the SCQF to make recruitment more inclusive
- SCQF Guide to Ukrainian Qualifications
- Support for manufacturers
- Innovation project advice
- International expertise on how to grow your business
- Succession Planning
- Employee ownership
- Support for co-operatives
- Supply chain disruption advice and resources
- Fair Work Tool
- Business sustainability guidance for Scottish companies
- Free intellectual property advice
- Digital and IT support
- Scottish Enterprise Account Management Service
- Help with export finance and risk support
- Clean heat expert support
- Scotlands hydrogen innovation network - SHINe
- Scottish Enterprise Leadership Academy
- Scottish Co-Investment Fund
- Scottish Loan Scheme
- Scottish Venture Fund
- Regional Selective Assistance grants
- Funding to help implement new products and processes
- Techscaler funding to support early-stage technology companies
- Research and development grants
- Leadership Development Programme
- Rural Leadership Programme
- Preparing to Export programme
- International exhibitions and trade shows
- International trade missions with Scottish Development International
- Managing People for Growth
- High-Growth Spinout Programme
- International Selling Programme
- Scottish Enterprise Clean Heat annual conference
- Preparing to Export programme - food and drink
- Scottish Enterprise Clean Heat Accelerator
- Net Zero Academy - Glasgow and Dundee
- Guides to international online marketplaces
- Reach international customers online
- Free local and international market research and reports
- Technology that can help tourism businesses in Scotland adapt and diversify
- Export and international sales opportunities
- Scottish Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Guide
- Expert help to resolve exporting issues
- Guidance on all aspects of exporting
- Use your business plan to secure funding
- Finance options for your business
- Becoming investor ready
- Debt funding for businesses
- How to write an export plan
- Introductory guide to sustainability-driven innovation
- Introductory guide to the circular economy
- Introductory guide on how to build a sustainable supply chain
- Introductory guide to carbon footprinting
- Introductory guide to developing a company low carbon strategy
- Net zero checklist for businesses
- Scottish Enterprise - The Think Podcast
- Hydrogen electrolyser factsheet
- Employer Recruitment Incentive Framework
- EU citizens staying in Scotland - advice for employers and landlords
- Guidance on Fair Work First criteria
- Coronavirus Distance Aware scheme
- Scotlands Migration Service
- Free webinars with immigration and visa advice for employers
- Small Business Bonus Scheme
- Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund
- Heat Network Fund
- Self-assessment tool for building standards verifiers
- Techstart Ventures Equity Finance
- Screen Scotland - Broadcast Content Fund
- Screen Scotland - Film Development and Production Fund
- Screen Scotland - Production Growth Fund
- Screen Scotland - Professional Development Fund
- Screen Scotland - Market and Festival Attendance Fund
- Screen Scotland - Distribution Fund
- Development grant funding for businesses and third sector organisations in Shetland
- Commercial loan funding for businesses in Shetland
- Grant available to childminders in Shetland
- Grant funding for community projects in Shetland
- Start-up grants for new businesses in Shetland
- Plan for your future skills needs
- Develop your workforce with Skills for Growth
- Watch webinars for employers
- Get PACE redundancy support
- Inclusive recruitment guides for employers
- Get support to expand your workforce
- Engage with young people through Marketplace
- Get funded training for new or existing staff through apprenticeships
- Fully funded degree level training for new or existing staff
- Get free training on My World of Work
- AMBITION programme for job creation in South Ayrshire
- South Ayrshire Council - Invest South Ayrshire service
- South Lanarkshire Business Recovery and Growth Grant
- Support for innovation in the south of Scotland
- Support for business growth in the south of Scotland
- Cycling Infrastructure Fund
- Supplier Development Programme
- Meet the Buyer North
- Meet the Buyer South
- Meet the Buyer National
- Guidance for suppliers on how to bid for public sector contracts
- Techscaler
- Export Support Grant Edinburgh
- The City of Edinburgh Council Women In Business Growth Programme
- The City of Edinburgh Council Expert Help Programme
- VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards
- Web listing on the VisitScotland website
- Keep your tourism business cosy by insulating and draught proofing
- Reducing waste and recycling advice for the tourism and hospitality sector
- Reduce energy consumption through effective boiler controls
- Energy monitoring and maintenance for the tourism and hospitality sector
- Energy Performance Certificates for self-catering properties
- Reduce and recycle food waste advice for the tourism and hospitality sector
- Become more sustainable with your heating and cooling settings
- The transition to electric vehicles and the opportunities for the tourism and hospitality sector
- Water efficiency through toilets and urinals for the tourism and hospitality sector
- Water efficiency through taps and showers for the tourism and hospitality sector
- Advice on low-energy lighting for the tourism and hospitality sector
- Sustainable lighting controls for the tourism and hospitality sector
- How to create a climate action plan for businesses in the tourism sector
- Advice on how to develop quality food tourism experiences
- West Dunbartonshire Council Business Start-Up Grant
- West Dunbartonshire Council Social Enterprise Growth Grant
- West Dunbartonshire Council Early Stage Growth Grant
- West Dunbartonshire Council Recovery and Growth Grant
- West Dunbartonshire Council Enhancing Tourism Events and Attractions Grants
- West Lothian Council Expert Help Programme
- West Lothian Council Job Creation Fund
- West Lothian Council Training Grant
- West Lothian Council Growth Assistance Project Funding
- West Lothian Council Skills for Business
- West Lothian Council Digital Development Fund
- West Lothian Council Low Carbon Energy Efficiency Grant
- West Lothian Council Graduate Recruitment Fund
- West Lothian Council Flexible Workforce Development Fund
- West Lothian Council Cyber Security Grant
- West Lothian Council Trade Development Grant
- West Lothian Council Innovation Grant
- West Lothian Employer Recruitment Incentive
- West Lothian Council sustainability surgery
- West Lothian Council Business Accelerator Programme
- Western Isles Council Micro Business Loan
- Western Isles Council Business Loan
- Western Isles Council Fisheries Investment Scheme loan
- Outer Hebrides Young Enterprise Support Scheme - OHYESS
- Outer Hebrides Youth Enterprise Programme - OHYEP
- Outer Hebrides Business Development Scheme
- Outer Hebrides Digital Support Scheme - OHDSS
- Womens Business Centre
- Womens Business Centre Business Directory
- Business startup checklist
- Food waste reduction support for Scottish food and drink businesses
- Circular Economy Business Support Service
- Meet the Market
- Revolve Reuse Knowledge Hub for the reuse sector
- Scottish Business Climate Collaboration Carbon Tool
- Scottish Business Climate Collaboration Climate Action Hub