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SCQF Database of credit rated qualifications in Scotland

Support provided by Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

What does this involve?

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) is Scotland’s national qualifications framework. It provides a way to recognise, describe and compare the difficulty and time required to achieve a range of qualifications and learning programmes. In addition to mainstream qualifications, the SCQF includes vocational and skills-based qualifications and learning programmes developed and delivered in the workplace or community.

The SCQF Database allows you to search all the Scottish qualifications and learning programmes that are credit rated on the SCQF and easily compare how they relate to each other. This will help you find qualifications and learning programmes to upskill your workforce or help you better understand a job applicant's qualifications.

The database contains over 11,500 qualifications currently available in Scotland. You can search by subject, title of qualification, SCQF level, keyword and/or the name of the credit rating body. You'll be able to find further information about each course, as well as its SCQF level, number of credit points (one credit point represents 10 hours of learning), and how it relates to the European Qualifications Framework.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

Anyone can use this public database to view qualifications.

How long does this take?

This will vary depending on what you are searching for. Typical queries will take less than a minute to find.

Next steps

Visit the SCQF website for more information and to access the database.

Support provided by Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

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