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Free access to cutting and moulding tools for prototyping medical devices

Support provided by Medical Device Manufacturing Centre (MDMC) Scottish Enterprise

What does this involve?

The Medical Device Manufacturing Centre (MDMC) offers a range of fabrication and prototyping tools that medtech companies in Scotland can use for small-scale production.

These include versatile tools for shaping, forming, and fabricating small-scale parts and prototypes for medical devices.

The technologies include methods for:

  • high-precision laser cutting
  • etching
  • vacuum forming
  • milling
  • plastic moulding

The tools can be used to create a variety of items, such as:

  • moulds
  • trays
  • splints
  • high-quality components

You can view the full range of fabrication and prototyping tools available on the MDMC website.

You can also submit an enquiry to arrange to discuss your specific needs with MDMC’s technical specialists.

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are one of the following:

  • a medtech-related company based in Scotland (your company number should start with ‘SC')
  • a company with a medtech-related manufacturing base in Scotland

What does this cost?

Eligible companies can use MDMC's technologies and facilities and speak to their specialists for free.

You'll need to cover the cost of any consumable materials used in the process.

Who is this for?

Scottish medical device developers and manufacturers.

How long does this take?

Once you've submitted an enquiry, you'll typically get a response within a week. MDMC will then set up an introductory call and assign you to a specialist.

Your project timeline will vary, depending on the nature of your activity. Most projects take between 3 and 12 months.

You can submit an enquiry at anytime – there is no deadline to apply.

Important information

You can submit an enquiry on the MDMC website to arrange to discuss your specific needs with a technical specialist.

Next steps

Visit the MDMC website for more information and to submit an enquiry.

Support provided by Medical Device Manufacturing Centre (MDMC) Scottish Enterprise

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