Research and development grants
Last Updated: 27 Aug 2024
Support provided by
Scottish Enterprise
What does this involve?
Research and development (R&D) grants from Scottish Enterprise are designed to help innovative projects that will improve business competitiveness, encourage further R&D activity and benefit the Scottish economy.
The grants are for companies that are looking to develop a new and innovative product, process or service – or significantly improve an existing one – in Scotland.
Small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are working independently on innovative projects may receive a grant to cover between 35% and 50% of their eligible project costs.
Large companies working independently may receive a grant to cover between 25% and 40% of their eligible project costs.
The minimum amount you can apply for is £150,000.
You'll need to be prepared to cover any additional costs through other sources.
Am I eligible?
To be eligible, companies must operate in the Scottish Enterprise area. This includes Aberdeen City and Shire, the east of Scotland, Tayside and the west of Scotland.
Your company will need to show that it:
- has the management and technical expertise and resources to make the project a success
- meets the Scottish Government's approach to Fair Work and net zero
Your project must:
- represent a significant innovation for the company
- have commercial prospects
- be financially viable
You'll also need to prove that the project cannot go ahead or would proceed at a slower speed without the R&D grant.
Your project may not be eligible if:
- most of the R&D activity is being undertaken by third parties
- work has already started or commercial contracts are in place
- it focuses on routine changes or updates to products, processes or services and other operations
- the end product will have a known adverse effect on the environment or society
The fund can also support consortiums working on R&D if they meet the other eligibility criteria.
Sole traders and charities are not eligible.
What does this cost?
It is free to apply for this service.
Small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may receive a grant to cover between 35% and 50% of their eligible project costs.
Large companies may receive a grant to cover between 25% and 40% of their eligible project costs.
Consortiums that are carrying out eligible R&D can receive the same levels of support.
The minimum amount you can apply for is £150,000.
You'll need to be prepared to cover any additional costs through other sources.
Who is this for?
Businesses in the area served by Scottish Enterprise, including Aberdeen City and Shire, the east of Scotland, Tayside and the west of Scotland.
How long does this take?
Scottish Enterprise will contact you within 5 working days after you submit your initial enquiry form.
Once an application has been submitted, it takes on average 12 weeks to reach a decision on whether the grant will be approved. If the grant is approved, payments are made over the duration of the project when agreed milestones are met.
Important information
All companies that are awarded R&D funding need to meet the Scottish Government’s criteria for Fair Work and net zero. Visit the Scottish Enterprise website for full details.
Next steps
Visit the Scottish Enterprise website for more information and to find out how to apply.
Support provided by
Scottish Enterprise