An employer guide to using SCQF levels
Last Updated: 09 Dec 2021
Support provided by
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
What does this involve?
The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) is Scotland’s national qualifications framework. It provides a way to recognise, describe and compare the difficulty and time required to achieve a range of qualifications and learning programmes. In addition to mainstream qualifications, the SCQF includes vocational and skills-based qualifications, and learning programmes developed and delivered in the workplace or community.
'Maximise Workforce Potential: The Employer's Guide to Using SCQF Levels' advises employers on how to use SCQF levels in recruitment and workforce development in order to attract a wider range of applicants with the right skills and talents to help your organisation thrive. It covers how to:
• appropriately level job descriptions
• use these levels to help write person specifications
• identify and better understand employee training needs
• source suitable courses
• have in-house training credit rated and placed on the SCQF
The guide is available to download as a PDF document (1,515 KB).
It is accompanied by the SCQF Employer Levelling Tool (PDF, 3.5 MB), which describes the skills, abilities and job competencies you would expect to see in an employee with qualifications and/or experience at the different SCQF levels.
What does this cost?
This is a free service
Who is this for?
This guidance can be used by any organisation, regardless of size.
How long does this take?
The guide is a 24-page document which will take around 30 minutes to read, but you can dip into various sections as needed.
Next steps
Visit the SCQF website for more information and to download these resources.
Support provided by
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework