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Introductory guide to developing a company low carbon strategy

Support provided by Scottish Enterprise

What does this involve?

Scottish Enterprise’s guide to developing a business low carbon strategy provides an introduction to the concepts of net zero and low carbon for businesses. It explains how to turn that knowledge into a credible strategy to reduce carbon impact.

This online guide covers:

  • what net zero and low carbon mean
  • why companies should develop a net zero strategy
  • how companies can measure their carbon impact
  • how companies can develop a robust carbon reduction plan
  • an introduction to carbon offsetting
  • how to achieve verification of a carbon reduction plan

What does this cost?

You can access this guide for free.

Who is this for?

Anyone can use this online guide.

How long does this take?

This online guide should take around 5 minutes to read.

Next steps

Visit the Scottish Enterprise website for more information and to read the full guide.

Support provided by Scottish Enterprise

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