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Technology that can help tourism businesses in Scotland adapt and diversify

Support provided by Scottish Enterprise Business Gateway Highlands and Islands Enterprise South of Scotland Enterprise

What does this involve?

Explore the Traveltech Directory which has been designed to help you look at different technologies and how they can help you adapt and diversify your tourism business. It includes case studies and a list of companies that offer technology solutions from online ticketing and creating podcasts, to app development and more.

Traveltech for Scotland is a business cluster organisation and is already transforming the experiences of tourists and their hosts. They hope that a bolder application of technology will lead the way to a cleaner, greener and more inclusive Scotland.



Am I eligible?

Yes, if you’re a business already based in Scotland or plan to set up business here.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

Any business based in Scotland, at any stage in its life cycle.

Important information

The directory also features a list of resources available to Scottish businesses, a glossary and a summary of technologies. 

Next steps

Visit the Traveltech website to browse the listings, read case studies and more. 

Support provided by Scottish Enterprise Business Gateway Highlands and Islands Enterprise South of Scotland Enterprise

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