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NetRegs environmental e-learning courses

Support provided by NetRegs

What does this involve?

NetRegs offers a series of e-learning courses aimed mainly at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), designed to explain what businesses need to do in order to comply with environmental regulations. There are also courses that cover good practice and suggest ways for businesses to reduce their overall environmental impacts, often saving money in the process.

This series of engaging e-learning courses cover the basics of good environmental practice. They can be accessed any number of times and are useful for staff training or awareness-raising, or for individual self-development.

Each course ends with a short quiz which checks your understanding. The site then allows you to record your progress.

Topics include:

  • duty of care for waste
  • sinks, drains and sewers
  • going beyond compliance
  • a number of agricultural topics, including guidance on the General Binding Rules (GBRs) that apply to agriculture
  • waste management
  • F-gas refrigeration ban
  • reduction of transport emissions
  • renewable energy
  • construction topics (waste, water, soils)
  • sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)

Am I eligible?

Anyone can use this service.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

How long does this take?

The e-learning courses each take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete.

Next steps

Visit the NetRegs website to register and access the courses.

Support provided by NetRegs

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