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Training your employees

Support provided by Business Gateway

What does this involve?

Your employees and business both win when you develop and train your people. Training is an investment, but one that can pay off in increased productivity, greater staff motivation and an improved bottom line. For training to be effective, make sure it’s closely tied to your overall business strategy and goals. You want to improve performance where it counts.

This free guide covers aspects such as:

  • deciding what training you need
  • finding the right type of training for your business
  • choosing the right training for your employees
  • types of training – in-house, external, e-learning, distance learning
  • choosing a training provider
  • evaluating training

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are thinking about starting, or already run, a business in Scotland.

What does this cost?

This is a free and impartial service.

Who is this for?

Any business based in Scotland that has, or plans to recruit, employees.

How long does this take?

Take 10 minutes to understand the benefits of training your employees.

Important information

Trade associations and professional bodies may provide relevant skills training or be able to direct you to approved training providers.

Next steps

Visit the Business Gateway website for more advice on training your employees.

Support provided by Business Gateway

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