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Reduce and recycle food waste advice for the tourism and hospitality sector

Support provided by Visit Scotland

What does this involve?

VisitScotland has created the sustainable tourism fact sheet: reduce and recycle your food waste. It supports Scottish tourism and hospitality businesses to manage food waste more effectively.

If you serve food as part of your offering to your customers, an area to make significant savings is by preventing food waste.

Reducing the quantity of waste you produce will save you money by reducing your waste disposal charges and also by reducing the amount of food you need to purchase.

By wasting less, you will also reduce your environmental impact and your carbon footprint.

This guide has advice on reducing your food waste, and how to recycle it. Includes information on:

  • identifying and measuring your food waste
  • tips to reduce food waste
  • menu planning and portion sizes
  • purchasing practices
  • storage methods

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

This is aimed at tourism and hospitality businesses in Scotland that provide a food and drink offering as part of their business.

How long does this take?

It takes around 5 minutes to read this guide.

Next steps

Visit the VisitScotland website to read the guide.

Support provided by Visit Scotland

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