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Compare qualification types on the SCQF Interactive Framework

Support provided by Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

What does this involve?

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) is Scotland’s national qualifications framework. It provides a way to recognise, describe and compare the difficulty and time required when completing a range of qualifications and learning programmes.

In addition to mainstream qualifications, the SCQF includes vocational and skills-based qualifications, as well as learning programmes developed and delivered in the workplace or community.

The SCQF Interactive Framework allows you to find out more about different qualifications that can be taken in school, college or university in Scotland. You will be able to compare common academic, vocational and skills-based qualifications. You can also click on different qualification types at different levels to learn more about them, including how many credit points they are allocated in SCQF (one credit point represents 10 hours of learning).

This allows you to better understand the qualifications your current or potential employees hold, how they compare to each other and how they can meet your business needs.

Am I eligible?

Anyone can use this service.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

This resource can be used by anyone who wants to find out more about Scottish qualifications.

How long does this take?

The time required will vary depending on what you are looking for. It is a quick and easy resource to use.

Next steps

Visit the SCQF website for more information and to access the SCQF Interactive Framework.

Support provided by Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

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