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Guidance for suppliers on how to bid for public sector contracts

Support provided by Supplier Journey

What does this involve?

The Scottish public sector spends over £11 billion each year on goods, works and services. These contracts vary in size, value, complexity, type of contract and geographical area across Scotland and as a result there could be a number of opportunities you could bid for.

As public sector procurement officers spend taxpayers money there are strict rules on how they can buy goods and services. These rules vary depending on the type and value of the contract.

The Supplier Journey is a free to use website. It contains step-by-step guidance for suppliers on how to bid for public sector contracts. It is regularly updated with changes to legislation, procurement policy and best practice. You can sign up to receive e-mail alerts on any updates made to the website.

The Scottish Government Procurement Best Practice team provide public sector procurement guidance, tools and support on how to bid for contracts and how to run procurement exercises.  For suppliers this is provided via the Supplier Journey website. 

The Supplier Journey includes:

  • how to find out more about current and upcoming contract opportunities
  • information on the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD)
  • FAQ’s
  • information on quotations and tender procurement procedures that a buyer may use
  • a glossary of procurement terms
  • guidance on where you can receive more support

You can also get in touch with the Supplier Journey team for specific questions on the procurement process.

Who is this for?

This is for suppliers who want to bid for public sector contracts in Scotland.

Important information

The Procurement Best Practice team are also responsible for the Procurement Journey website which provides guidance for public sector buyers, external link which will open in a new windowopens in a new window.

This website gives more information on the Procurement and Commercial Improvement Programme (PCIP). It is an assessment process which drives the continuous improvement of public sector organisations in terms of their Purchasing and Commercial performance.

Next steps

Visit the Supplier Journey website for more information and to sign up for updates.

Support provided by Supplier Journey

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