Quick guide to solar PV suitability for your business
Last Updated: 29 Jun 2023
Support provided by
Business Energy Scotland
What does this involve?
Solar photovoltaics, better known as solar PV, is a way to power your business and cut carbon emissions using the sun's energy. But is the technology right for your operations?
This quick guide from Business Energy Scotland will talk you through the basics to help you make a decision.
The easy-to-read guide covers:
- what solar PV is
- its benefits for businesses
- key considerations
- costs
- suitability
- frequently asked questions
Read the case studies from other businesses to see how they went about installing solar PV and find out about their cost and carbon savings.
Am I eligible?
Anyone can use this guide.
What does this cost?
It is free to access this guide.
As a rough guide, the cost to install solar PV panels on your roof can be anywhere between £650 and £1200 for each kWp installed.
Who is this for?
Business owners interested in using renewable technology to harness the sun’s energy to cut energy costs and carbon impact.
How long does this take?
It takes around 10 minutes to read the guide.
Next steps
Visit Business Energy Scotland’s website to read the guide.
Support provided by
Business Energy Scotland