Guidance covering environmental regulations
Last Updated: 06 Feb 2024
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What does this involve?
The NetRegs website is a free resource designed to help businesses in Scotland navigate the maze of environmental regulations and follow environmental good practice.
NetRegs allows users to find all information relevant to their business sector, with 39 business topics available. The 'A-Z of Jobs' allows you to find which business sector is most suited to your type of work.
You can find information on a particular topic by browsing the environmental topics such as waste, water, air pollution or transport. There is also a very efficient search tool that makes finding information easy.
The website provides information on how to comply with environmental regulations, but it also provides information on and signposts to organisations that can help businesses go 'beyond compliance'. This can provide environmental and financial benefits to businesses of all sizes.
NetRegs has additional self-help features, including:
- free e-learning courses: a series of engaging e-learning courses that cover the basics of good environmental practice. They can be accessed any number of times and are useful for staff training or awareness raising, or for individual self-development. The site records your progress.
- an environmental self-assessment tool for the business. This is an interactive tool for you to check whether your business is complying with the key pieces of environmental legislation. This comes in 7 different sections, and you can choose which of them apply to you. Save a report after completing each section.
It also features:
- guidance for pollution prevention documents (GPPs)
- lists of trade bodies and business support organisations
- environmental management toolkit for SMEs
- environmental guidance for householders
- environmental guidance for new startup businesses
Am I eligible?
Anyone can use this service.
What does this cost?
This is a free service
Next steps
Please visit the NetRegs website for further information.
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