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Coronavirus Distance Aware scheme

Support provided by Scottish Government

What does this involve?

The Distance Aware scheme is designed to help people who are worried about mixing with others as we adapt to living with Covid-19. The scheme is a national initiative which lets individuals politely request space or care around them by wearing a recognisable badge or lanyard.

Businesses and organisations can also purchase their own badges or lanyards for distribution to staff or visitors, but this is not mandatory.

Businesses can support the Distance Aware scheme by:

  • displaying posters or leaflets in your organisation or premises 
  • sharing information about the campaign on your social media channels
  • encouraging your staff, members and/or customers to use the #BeDistanceAware hashtag
  • sharing information on your website or through email communications
  • encouraging workplace or member discussions about what Distance Aware means and how to promote and understand it within your business or organisation
  • purchasing badges, lanyards, or any items with the symbol for your staff, members or customers 
  • talking to staff, members or customers who may benefit from the scheme and making lanyards or badges available if appropriate

The Distance Aware scheme is a voluntary scheme for individuals, businesses and organisations to participate in. The Scottish Government believes that the scheme can provide some confidence to anyone that is anxious about being around others as restrictions ease and return to a more normal way of life.

Download the Distance Aware partner toolkit (PDF, 716 KB), external link which will open in a new windowopens in a new window for more information.

Am I eligible?

The Distance Aware scheme is open to all businesses and organisations in Scotland. It has also been separately promoted by governments in Wales, England, and Northern Ireland.

What does this cost?

There is no cost to participate in the general promotion of the Distance Aware scheme. If you wish to obtain the optional badges and lanyards, you will need to meet this cost using the resources in the partner pack.

Who is this for?

All businesses, organisations and individuals in Scotland.

How long does this take?

It takes around 10 minutes to read the guidance and partner toolkit.

Next steps

Visit the Scottish Government website for more information and to download resources.

Support provided by Scottish Government

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