Free online Green Champions training - CPD certified
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2022
Support provided by
Business Energy Scotland
What does this involve?
This series of short online Green Champions training modules will help you to improve the resource efficiency and environmental performance of your organisation. The course is CPD-certified and is designed to help you develop new skills and find support tools. It packs in knowledge and experience from Business Energy Scotland's resource efficiency experts.
Increase your understanding of the benefits of resource efficiency and quickly learn how to:
- identify cost savings and environmental improvement opportunities
- effectively collect and analyse data
- bring about positive change
What does this cost?
This training course is free.
Who is this for?
All businesses in Scotland.
How long does this take?
The Green Champions Training Course is delivered in 3 parts: foundation modules, practical modules and advanced modules. You need to complete the foundation modules to gain access to the practical and advanced modules.
Foundation modules take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
You can approach the training with dedicated time set aside, or dip in and out as time allows. There is no time limit for completion.
Next steps
Visit the Business Energy Scotland website for more information and to access the training course.
Support provided by
Business Energy Scotland