Grant available to childminders in Shetland
Last Updated: 08 Apr 2022
Support provided by
Shetland Islands Council
What does this involve?
A grant is available from Shetland Islands Council to support childminders in Shetland to:
- start up a childminding service
- continue to provide a childminding service
- develop and improve a childminding service
This funding will cover up to 100% of eligible costs, up to a maximum grant of £250. It can be used for:
- public liability and car insurance
- membership of the Scottish Childminding Association
- subscriptions to childcare publications
- toy and outdoor resources
- IT equipment
- printer ink and admin resources
- car safety seats
- fire safety resources
- works, equipment or training to meet health and safety requirements
- works, equipment or training to meet standards required by the Care Inspectorate
- non-statutory training
- accountancy fees
Am I eligible?
To be eligible, childminders must be based in the Shetland Islands, and should apply during their childminder registration process.
Established childminders must submit their grant application at least 4 weeks before incurring expenditure.
What does this cost?
There is no cost to apply.
Who is this for?
Childminders registered by the Care Inspectorate to deliver a childminding service in Shetland may apply for this grant.
How long does this take?
Once your application has been received, it will be checked and you might be asked for more information if it is incomplete. Once your application is complete, a decision will be made within 6 weeks (although usually it will be sooner than that). Additional information may be requested at any time during the application process.
Important information
Applicants should contact Shetland Islands Council as soon as possible to discuss their proposed project and to get help with completing the application form.
Next steps
Visit the Shetland Islands Council website to check your eligibility and submit an application.
Support provided by
Shetland Islands Council