Scottish Business Climate Collaboration Carbon Tool
Last Updated: 16 Jan 2024
Support provided by
Zero Waste Scotland
What does this involve?
The Scottish Business Climate Collaboration (SBCC) Carbon Tool is a free online platform that lets businesses create an account to:
- measure emissions for your organisation
- create a bespoke carbon reduction plan
Once you log into your account, you can use the platform to generate reports on your carbon emissions. Your dashboard lets you explore and compare your emissions by scope, spend and more, to help you create a carbon reduction plan for your business.
The tool is jointly funded by the Scottish Government and Scottish Business Climate Collaboration (SBCC) members, and delivered by Zero Waste Scotland.
Am I eligible?
The tool has been developed for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Scotland, but all businesses are welcome to use the platform.
What does this cost?
This is a free service.
Who is this for?
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Scotland.
Important information
Before you use the Carbon Tool, you should complete the e-learning modules in the Climate Action Hub.
Next steps
Visit the SBCC website for more information and to sign up for your Carbon Tool account.
Support provided by
Zero Waste Scotland