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Free resources to encourage your employees to save energy

Support provided by Business Energy Scotland

What does this involve?

Business Energy Scotland provides a range of free-to-download resources to encourage your staff to save energy, such as:

  • switch-off stickers for lights, computers and printers
  • water-saving posters, to discourage drips and look into leaks
  • light switch label templates
  • posters to remind us that little actions make big waves – for instance, did you know that leaving the office lights on overnight can waste as much energy as it would take to make 6,000 mugs of coffee?

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

Anyone can use these resources.

How long does this take?

It takes 2 minutes to download the resources.

Next steps

Visit the Business Energy Scotland website to download the resources.

Support provided by Business Energy Scotland

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