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SME Loan Scheme with cashback while funds last

Support provided by Business Energy Scotland

What does this involve?

The SME Loan Scheme offers small and medium-sized enterprises based in Scotland unsecured, interest-free loans of up to £100,000 for renewable or energy efficiency projects. You may be able to get up to £30,000 as cashback. This is on a first come basis. The loan funding is provided by the Scottish Government.

The funding is available to help you pay for energy and carbon-saving upgrades in your business.

This could include:

  • heating, ventilation, and air conditioning upgrades
  • renewable technologies such as replacing a boiler to one with an air source heat pump
  • improving insulation, draught-proofing, double or secondary glazing
  • installing LED lighting

Cashback - while funds last:

Through the scheme, SMEs installing eligible equipment could receive a 75% cashback grant up to £10,000 for renewable heat measures and a 75% cashback grant for energy efficiency measures up to £20,000. 

Am I eligible?

The service is open to businesses and organisations across all sectors which are:

  • small to medium-sized enterprises (less than 250 employees/turnover less than €50 million)
  • non-profit organisations (charity or social enterprises)

Full details on eligibility criteria and the list of other qualifying technologies will be given to you when you make an enquiry - and are also available online in the Important Information Document (PDF, 250kb), external link which will open in a new windowopens in a new window.

What does this cost?

SME loans are unsecured and interest-free. 

Who is this for?

Small and medium-sized organisations and non-profit organisations based in Scotland.

How long does this take?

The agreed loan and cashback amount will be released after the measure(s) have been installed, and evidence has been provided/a site inspection by a qualified adviser has been undertaken.

The repayment term for all loans is 8 years.

Next steps

Visit the Business Energy Scotland website for more information.

Support provided by Business Energy Scotland

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