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Safely handle and transport substances

Support provided by Business Gateway

What does this involve?

Every business is legally required to assess and control certain risks relating to the handling and transport of goods and substances. Find out what you must do in the Business Gateway guide on how to safely handle and transport substances. The free guide also includes practical help on how to reduce risks to make your workplace and transport operations safer.
Get an overview of your legal requirements in relation to:
  • manual handling and slips and trip
  • transport in the workplace
  • transporting goods and materials
  • safe management of harmful substances

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are thinking about starting, or already run, a business in Scotland.

What does this cost?

This is a free and impartial service.

Who is this for?

Any business based in Scotland, at any stage in its life cycle.

How long does this take?

Set aside 7 minutes to learn how to safely handle and transport substances.

Important information

Preventing, or at least controlling, exposure to vehicle exhaust emissions is a legal requirement for businesses under health and safety law.

Next steps

Visit the Business Gateway website for more advice on how to safely handle and transport substances.

Support provided by Business Gateway

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