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Green Heat Installer Engagement Programme

Support provided by Energy Saving Trust

What does this involve?

The Green Heat Installer Engagement Programme provides assistance and support for businesses in Scotland to help them participate fully in the supply chain for low and zero-emissions heating, energy efficiency and microgeneration installations. It does this in a variety of ways, such as providing online resources, training opportunities, workshops, email updates, events, networking and research.

This is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered by Energy Saving Trust.

The programme acts as a key communication channel between the Scottish Government and industry and seeks to raise the capacity and capabilities across the supply chain to ensure householders and businesses can access suppliers regardless of their location in Scotland. It also ensures that the Scottish Government is kept up to date on current barriers faced by industry and that industry is informed of any updates in government legislation.

Am I eligible?

This is for any business based in Scotland working in the energy efficiency, low and zero-carbon heating and microgeneration sectors, both domestic and non-domestic.

What does this cost?

This is a free service, funded by the Scottish Government.

Who is this for?

Businesses based in Scotland in the low and zero-emissions heating, energy efficiency, and microgeneration sectors.

How long does this take?

This programme offers support all year round subject to Scottish Government funding. Some of the schemes offered by the programme may only run during a financial year.

Next steps

Visit the Green Heat Installer Engagement Programme website for more information and to subscribe to the newsletter to keep up to date with the support available to you.

Support provided by Energy Saving Trust

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