Guidance on Fair Work First criteria
Last Updated: 14 Nov 2023
Support provided by
Scottish Government
What does this involve?
The Scottish Government has published guidance on its Fair Work First criteria to encourage and support employers to adopt fair work practices within their organisation.
The guidance does not set a minimum standard. Instead, it provides direction on how the Fair Work First criteria can be implemented by organisations of various types and sizes, in different sectors and locations.
It should be used by those involved in awarding public sector grants, sponsorship and other funding and contracts, as well as those who apply for or receive such funding and/or contracts.
The guidance covers:
- the purpose and context of the Fair Work First guidance
- what fair work is and why it’s important
- how the guidance should be used
- verification of an organisation’s Fair Work First commitment
- how to put Fair Work First principles into practice
The guidance is available to download as a PDF file (642 KB).
What does this cost?
This is a free service.
Who is this for?
All employers in Scotland, particularly those who wish to benefit from public sector funding and/or contracts, as well as those involved in awarding these grants/contracts.
How long does this take?
It will take around 40 minutes to read the full guidance.
Next steps
Visit the Scottish Government website for more information and to read the full guidance.
Support provided by
Scottish Government