Guide for businesses on how to save energy heating the workplace
Last Updated: 22 Jun 2022
Support provided by
Business Energy Scotland
What does this involve?
Did you know that heating costs often account for more than half a business's energy bill? This guide is packed with expert tips and advice on how to cut heating costs and carbon emissions without compromising comfort or productivity in the workplace.
It shows you how to:
- accurately assess your heating costs and needs
- avoid common pitfalls, such as cold starts and overheating
- insulate and ventilate
- upgrade boilers without breaking the bank
The guide also includes case studies that show how even small businesses can save thousands of pounds, plus practical and inspiring ideas that can save you money straight away - from de-cluttering radiator space to a new take on 'hot-desking'.
What does this cost?
This is a free service.
Who is this for?
Anyone can use this service.
How long does this take?
It will take around 20 minutes to read the full guide.
Next steps
Visit Business Energy Scotland's website to read the guide.
Support provided by
Business Energy Scotland