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Managing People for Growth

Support provided by Scottish Enterprise

What does this involve?

Scottish Enterprise’s Managing People for Growth programme will give you the knowledge and skills you need to effectively manage people in the workplace, regardless of your experience level.

It is made up of 6 full day workshops. Each workshop will teach you practical tools and techniques to improve your people management skills.

During the programme, you'll learn:

  • skills and approaches to help you perform your role successfully both now and in the future
  • how to apply fair and innovative work practices by gaining an understanding of new ways of working – these include insights into the fair work framework, productivity, innovation and the benefits of employee engagement
  • the importance of maximising and improving existing staff skills while identifying the style and attributes of an effective manager
  • how to empower individuals and teams

Am I eligible?

Managing People for Growth is open to all businesses in areas of Scotland served by Scottish Enterprise. This includes Aberdeen City and Shire, the east of Scotland, Tayside and the west of Scotland.

What does this cost?

This programme costs £500 plus VAT.

Who is this for?

Anyone in a supervisory role or higher in Scottish businesses in areas served by Scottish Enterprise. This includes Aberdeen City and Shire, the east of Scotland, Tayside and the west of Scotland.

How long does this take?

The workshops run from 9am to 5pm and are held over a 3 to 4-month period.

Next steps

Visit the Scottish Enterprise website for more information.

Support provided by Scottish Enterprise

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