Starting a part-time business
Last Updated: 29 Nov 2021
Support provided by
Business Gateway
What does this involve?
Starting a business is a big commitment, but less so if you begin on a part-time basis. Check out the guide to starting a part-time business to learn about the various pros and cons.
One advantage is that you can test the market before committing yourself fully – perhaps while continuing in paid employment. You may also be able to fit a part-time business around other commitments or use it to make an income from an existing hobby or interest. There are drawbacks too, not least potentially long hours, especially if you have a job too.
Am I eligible?
Yes, if you are thinking about starting, or already run, a business in Scotland.
What does this cost?
This is a free and impartial service.
Who is this for?
Any potential start-up or new business based in Scotland.
How long does this take?
This guide to starting a part-time business is a 4-minute read.
Important information
Be sure to keep your business and any paid employment separate – even sending an email from your employer’s workplace could be seen as a breach of contract.
Next steps
Visit the Business Gateway website for advice on starting a part-time business.
Support provided by
Business Gateway