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How to carry out a successful biomass heating project - procurement guide

Support provided by Business Energy Scotland

What does this involve?

Many organisations are looking for ways to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint by opting for renewables. Biomass heating is a good way of doing this as it produces low-carbon heat at a lower cost than conventional forms of heating.

This guide can help you choose the right biomass heating solution from the various technologies and fuel supply options available. It gives you clear, step-by-step guidance to help you understand the decisions you will have to make so that you are better informed when talking to suppliers. This will help you to avoid common pitfalls and to procure a biomass system that best fits your organisation’s needs.

Am I eligible?

Anyone can use this guide.

The cost to install a biomass boiler will depend on the size of your premises and the type of boiler you choose. 

What does this cost?

This guide is free.

Who is this for?

Any business considering renewable heating solutions.

How long does this take?

It will take around 20 minutes to read the full guide.

Next steps

Visit Business Energy Scotland’s website to read the guide.

Support provided by Business Energy Scotland

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