Invest in Midlothian
Last Updated: 14 Jun 2023
Support provided by
Midlothian Council
Locate in Midlothian
What does this involve?
If you are looking to start or expand your business and need a new location, the Invest in Midlothian support service can help you find suitable development opportunities or premises.
The service also provides:
- tailored support for investors and businesses from Midlothian Council’s Economic Development team
- expert knowledge of Midlothian and its economic landscape
- access to wider business support in Midlothian and across the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region
- employment and recruitment support, including access to employability initiatives
Am I eligible?
Yes, if you are a potential investor or business planning to locate in Midlothian.
What does this cost?
This is a free service.
Who is this for?
Potential investors and businesses planning to locate in Midlothian.
How long does this take?
The Midlothian Council Economic Development team will usually contact you within 5 working days after you submit your enquiry.
Next steps
Visit the Locate in Midlothian website for more information and to submit an enquiry.
Support provided by
Midlothian Council
Locate in Midlothian