Compare past and current Scottish qualifications
Last Updated: 15 Nov 2024
Support provided by
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
What does this involve?
The 'Old vs New' leaflet from the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) allows you to compare qualifications taken in the past in Scotland with current qualifications and find their comparable SCQF level. This will help you to better understand and compare qualifications that job applicants may have and help you see if they have the skills you need for your job role.
The leaflet is available to download as a PDF file (220 KB).
Qualifications include Ordinary Grade (O Grade), Standard Grade (Credit, General and Foundation), National 5, National 4, Higher, Advanced Higher, Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (CSYS), Access 1, Access 2, Access 3, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2, National 3, National 2 and National 1.
The SCQF is Scotland’s national qualifications framework. It provides a way to recognise, describe and compare the difficulty and time required to achieve a range of qualifications and learning programmes. In addition to mainstream qualifications, the SCQF includes vocational and skills-based qualifications and learning programmes developed and delivered in the workplace or community.
What does this cost?
This is a free service.
Who is this for?
This guidance can be used by any organisation, regardless of size.
How long does this take?
This leaflet will take around 5 minutes to read.
Next steps
Download the leaflet (PDF, 264 KB) from the SCQF website. Note that clicking the button below will start the download.
Support provided by
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework