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Falkirk Council Digital Clinic

Support provided by Falkirk Council Business Gateway

What does this involve?

Digital Clinic is a free service that offers businesses in the Falkirk area one-to-one appointments with a digital specialist.

Topics covered include:

  • websites
  • digital marketing and social media
  • IT infrastructure
  • ecommerce

Am I eligible?

The service is available to all small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Falkirk Council area that would like digital advice and support. Businesses from any sector are eligible.

You'll need a referral from a Business Gateway Falkirk adviser to take part in the Digital Clinic.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

Small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Falkirk area.

How long does this take?

You'll need a referral from a Business Gateway Falkirk adviser to take part in the Digital Clinic. Once your application is received, you'll usually get a response within 2 weeks, if all the paperwork is correct.

Each digital consultation session lasts up to 1.5 hours.

Important information

You'll need a referral from a Business Gateway Falkirk adviser to take part in the Digital Clinic.

Next steps

Visit the Business Gateway Falkirk website for more information and to apply.

Support provided by Falkirk Council Business Gateway

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