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Export Support Service

Support provided by Department for Business and Trade

What does this involve?

If you’re a UK business that sells goods or services to Europe you can contact the UK Government's export support team online.

You can ask any question for your business, and get advice on topics such as:

  • how to export to new markets
  • the paperwork you need to sell your goods abroad
  • the rules for a specific country where you want to sell services

Ask a question online

The export support team will reply within 3 working days. They might ask for more information.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

This service is available to all UK businesses.

How long does this take?

You will receive a reply within 3 working days.

Important information

If you have a question about trading with Ukraine or Russia submit your question online.

Next steps

Visit the UK Government website to submit a question.

Support provided by Department for Business and Trade

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