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Guidance on how to apply for Innovate UK funding opportunities

Support provided by Innovate UK

What does this involve?

Innovate UK provides grant funding, loans and procurements for UK-based businesses to support research, development and innovation.

This guidance explains what types of funding opportunities are available and how to apply through their Innovation Funding Service.

Topics include:

  • things to consider before you apply
  • the application process and how to apply
  • what happens after you submit your application
  • what happens if you are successful
  • State aid and de minimis aid
  • funding rules
  • categories of research and development
  • other sources of funding

Innovate UK is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

Am I eligible?

Anyone can use this service.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

Businesses in the UK which wish to apply for innovation funding through Innovate UK.

How long does this take?

It will take around 30 minutes to read the full guidance.

Important information

It is important that you read the full eligibility, scope and guidance for any individual funding opportunity before you apply.

Next steps

Visit the UK Government website to read the full Innovate UK guidance.

Support provided by Innovate UK

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