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Managing access and recreation

Support provided by NatureScot

What does this involve?

​The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 gives everyone rights of responsible access to most land in Scotland.

Rights of responsible access extend to recreation and to some educational and commercial activities. Under the 2003 Act, land managers must therefore manage their land responsibly in regard to access.

The responsibilities of both the public and land managers is set out in the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. A range of  guidance on responsible access management in a wide range of situations – from planning for access and signs, to access with dogs and wild camping - is available from NatureScot and the Scottish Outdoor Access Code, external link which will open in a new windowopens in a new window website.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

Anyone can use this guidance.

Next steps

Visit the NatureScot website to read about access rights in Scotland.

Support provided by NatureScot

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