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North Ayrshire Council - Green Jobs Fund

Support provided by North Ayrshire Council

What does this involve?

The Green Jobs Fund (GJF) helps businesses, community groups and potential investors explore renewable energy generation and circular economy schemes that can create local, fair, green jobs.

It also provides support for green business adaptations to encourage local businesses to adapt their processes and business models to support industrial decarbonisation and meet net zero targets.

The fund aims to support economic recovery and renewal while tackling climate change and helping North Ayrshire to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030.

The Green Jobs Fund can help businesses implement a green route map to support them through 5 'green' stages:

  • no or limited understanding
  • developing an understanding
  • implementing sustainability projects
  • practices embedded in process and culture
  • green exemplar

It can also potentially provide the following support on a case-by-case basis:

  • specialist consultancy support
  • bespoke solutions for businesses
  • grants to help businesses transition to low carbon activities
  • support for community organisations to access national funds or programmes
  • feasibility assessment for inward investment opportunities that can demonstrate commitment to net zero and community wealth building

Am I eligible?

North Ayrshire businesses, community organisations and potential investors are eligible.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

Businesses and community organisations located in North Ayrshire and potential investors.

How long does this take?

North Ayrshire's Business Team will respond to your enquiry within 5 working days.

Next steps

Visit the This is North Ayrshire website to contact the team.

Support provided by North Ayrshire Council

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