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Get PACE redundancy support

Support provided by Skills Development Scotland Scottish Government

What does this involve?

Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE) is the Scottish Government’s initiative to help individuals and employers during redundancy situations.

PACE supports businesses of any size, no matter how many employees are involved. It aims to help take away some of the stress of dealing with redundancy.

Your staff will get support from PACE partners such as Skills Development Scotland, JobCentre Plus, local authorities, Citizens Advice, colleges and training providers. You'll have access to:

  • local PACE advisers, who will visit your business, talk to your employees and understand their needs
  • free, impartial advice and one-to-one support
  • support for employees in their job search, helping them with CVs, job applications, interviews and training opportunities
  • expert advice on what benefits your employees may be entitled to, as well as their rights and entitlements

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are an employer in Scotland.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

Businesses in Scotland that have to make redundancies.

How long does this take?

PACE advisers can work with your business throughout the entire redundancy process.

Important information

If you're an employer who is thinking about making redundancies, call the PACE helpline on 0800 917 8000 or visit Skills Development Scotland's Employer Hub for more support.

Next steps

Visit Skills Development Scotland's Employer Hub website to find out more about the PACE programme.

Support provided by Skills Development Scotland Scottish Government

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