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Scottish Government Public Contracts Scotland

Support provided by Public Contracts Scotland Scottish Government

What does this involve?

The Public Sector in Scotland is responsible for ensuring that Scottish citizens are provided with the wide range of goods, works and services that support them in their daily lives. From street lighting to MRI scanners, from social care to education and emergency services, the people of Scotland expect their taxes to be spent wisely whist ensuring value for money and delivery of the highest quality products.

The Public Contracts Scotland website is provided by the Scottish Government as a one-stop shop for suppliers to access Scottish public sector contract opportunities. Suppliers can either use the site to browse for opportunities, or register for automatic e-mail alerts for relevant contract opportunities or a direct request for a quote.

This site provides free access to public contract opportunities across Scotland.

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are a supplier or a buyer of goods, work or services for the public sector in Scotland. 

What does this cost?

You can register for free. 

Who is this for?



Next steps

Visit the Public Contracts Scotland website to register, search for opportunities or advertise contract opportunities. 

Support provided by Public Contracts Scotland Scottish Government

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