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Networking events

Support provided by Growbiz

What does this involve?

Connect with other business owners and hear from experts on a range of topics at GrowBiz’s regular networking events. These monthly networking events feature speakers or panels of inspiring business owners and entrepreneurs. They provide an opportunity to connect with others who are starting, running or growing a business in rural Scotland.

GrowBiz’s networking events include the Xchange, the female-led Women’s Enterprise Network, and several sector-specific groups called Peer Support Meetings.

Meetings are currently taking place online.

Am I eligible?

These events welcome all micro-businesses, enterprises and the self-employed who are based in rural Scotland (that is, outwith cities).

What does this cost?

The events are free.

Who is this for?

Businesses, enterprises and the self-employed in all sectors in rural Scotland.

How long does this take?

Multiple networking events are held each month. Each event is 1 hour and 30 minutes or 2 hours long.

Next steps

Visit the GrowBiz website to view upcoming events and book online.

Support provided by Growbiz

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