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On-demand webinars from Business Energy Scotland

Support provided by Business Energy Scotland

What does this involve?

Business Energy Scotland provides free and impartial expertise to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) save energy, carbon and money. Their on-demand webinar recordings are available for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint, energy bills and overall energy use. 

Webinar topics include:

  • how to calculate your business’s carbon footprint
  • how to write an environmental policy
  • how to motivate your workplace to save energy
  • 10 free and low-cost ways to reduce your energy bill and carbon footprint

Am I eligible?

Business Energy Scotland's webinar recordings are available for any Scottish business.

What does this cost?

Access to all webinar recordings is free.

Who is this for?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Scotland that are looking to reduce their carbon footprint, energy use and the cost of their energy bills.

How long does this take?

Each webinar is around 50 minutes long.

Next steps

Visit Business Energy Scotland's webinar page to access the recordings and information about upcoming events.

Support provided by Business Energy Scotland

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