Computer hardware - the basics
Last Updated: 29 Nov 2021
Support provided by
Business Gateway
What does this involve?
Computer hardware purchases are often an important investment for a business. Choose the right components and your hardware could become one of your most critical business assets – helping you to automate tasks, communicate better and improve efficiencies. Find out more about the basics of computer hardware in the Business Gateway guide.
The free guide examines issues to consider before buying computer hardware such as compatibility, security and future-proofing your IT system. It covers what to look for when choosing desktop computers, servers, printers, scanners and multi-function devices. And it outlines the pros and cons of purchasing computer hardware versus leasing hardware.
Am I eligible?
Yes, if you are thinking about starting, or already run, a business in Scotland.
What does this cost?
This is a free and impartial service.
Who is this for?
Any business based in Scotland, at any stage in its life cycle.
How long does this take?
Set aside 8 minutes to read the Business Gateway guide to the basics of computer hardware.
Important information
Businesses typically replace desktop PCs every 3–4 years and servers every 5 years. Whatever your own replacement cycle, be sure to dispose of old hardware responsibly.
Next steps
Visit the Business Gateway website for more advice on computer hardware.
Support provided by
Business Gateway