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Falkirk Council Low Carbon Advisory Service

Support provided by Falkirk Council

What does this involve?

The Falkirk Council Low Carbon Advisory Service (LCAS) offers professional, expert advice and support to businesses in the Falkirk area to help them save energy, reduce their carbon emissions, increase their resilience, boost profits and play their part in tackling climate change.

The support can include:

  • practical advice on how to reduce your energy consumption
  • advise on resource efficiency, including materials, water, waste and supply chains
  • help with measuring and reducing your carbon emissions
  • environmental audits
  • climate change awareness training
  • advice on how to market your sustainability achievements
  • advice on potential funding for improvements and practical help with applications for Falkirk Council's Energy Efficiency Fund

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are a private sector business in the Falkirk area with fewer than 250 employees.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

This service is available to small or medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in the Falkirk Council area.

How long does this take?

Once your application is received, you'll usually get a decision within 2 weeks, if all the paperwork is correct.

Next steps

Visit the Falkirk Council website for more information and to apply.

Support provided by Falkirk Council

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