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Watch webinars for employers

Support provided by Skills Development Scotland

What does this involve?

Skills Development Scotland offers a range of live and on-demand webinars covering a range of topics relevant to employers.

Currently, a selection of on-demand webinars is available on apprenticeships and how they can benefit your business.

In 2024, Skills Development Scotland will begin filming a new series of skills and workforce planning webinars. These will be accessible through the Employer Hub, the home of Skills for Growth. Check back over the coming months for updates.

Am I eligible?

Everyone who is interested is welcome to watch these webinars.

What does this cost?

To watch the webinars, you need to sign up for a Skills Development Scotland Employer Hub account — which is free.

Who is this for?

These webinars are aimed at businesses that are interested in building a skilled workforce.

How long does this take?

The webinars vary in length, but they're usually an hour or less.

Next steps

Watch the webinars on Skills Development Scotland's Employer Hub.

Support provided by Skills Development Scotland

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