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Get support to expand your workforce

Support provided by Skills Development Scotland

What does this involve?

Get the support you need to build your future workforce through the Young Person’s Guarantee. This offers the opportunity of a job, placement, training or volunteering for every 16 to 24-year-old in Scotland according to their personal goals and ambitions.

As an employer, you can engage with the Young Person's Guarantee in the following ways:

  • inspire pupils and college students to gain the skills needed for the world of work
  • engage with, and create opportunities for, young people who face barriers to work
  • create work-based learning, training and up-skilling opportunities for young people
  • create jobs and apprenticeships to support the Guarantee
  • create an inclusive and fair workplace which supports all young people and provides fair work.

Am I eligible?

The Young Person's Guarantee is employer-led and aimed at businesses which would like to create routes into the workplace for young people.

What does this cost?

  • Online information and advice is free.
  • It is free to advertise apprenticeships and job vacancies for young people on Skills Development Scotland websites

Who is this for?

All businesses in Scotland.

Next steps

Visit the My World of Work website for more information.

Support provided by Skills Development Scotland

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