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East Renfrewshire Council SBA Get to Zero Grant

Support provided by East Renfrewshire Council

What does this involve?

The SBA Get to Zero Grant provides funding for businesses in East Renfrewshire that wish to invest in sustainable measures that will help them reduce carbon emissions and energy loss by becoming more efficient. You can receive a grant of up to £5,000.

The measures you invest in could include: 

  • low energy heating and lighting systems  
  • improved insulation for your roof and building  
  • solar, ground or air source heat or solar thermal technology  
  • waste management or recycling  
  • equipment that will save a significant amount of energy

This grant is part-funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Local Discretionary Funds.

Am I eligible?

Yes, if your business is located in East Renfrewshire.

What does this cost?

The SBA Get to Zero Grant provides funding of up to £5,000, with no match funding required.

It is free to apply.

Who is this for?

Businesses in East Renfrewshire that are looking to invest in sustainable heating, lighting, insulation measures or more energy efficient equipment, to reduce their carbon emissions and energy loss.

How long does this take?

It takes around 30 minutes to complete the online application form, provided you have all your supporting documents ready to upload.

Once your application is received, East Renfrewshire Council will carry out initial compliance checks. A member of their Business Growth team will then be in touch to discuss your application.

Next steps

Visit the East Renfrewshire Council website for full details and to apply.

Support provided by East Renfrewshire Council

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