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Womens Business Centre Business Directory

Support provided by Womens Enterprise Scotland

What does this involve?

The Women's Business Centre Business Directory is a free, digital directory designed to help women raise awareness and develop the profile of their businesses. 

As a business owner, the directory gives you the opportunity to connect with other business owners and reach potential new customers to maximise those all-important sales opportunities. As a potential customer, the directory is a great place to browse and discover amazing local businesses that you can support and share with others in your local community. 

To list your business in the Women's Business Centre Business Directory, you must: 

  • sign up to become a member of the Women's Business Centre, or log in if you're already a member
  • fill in the listing application which can be found under 'Members - Your Account' and choose 'Add your business to the Business Directory'
  • submit your application 

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are a women-owned or women-led business in Scotland. You must be a member of the Women's Business Centre to add your business to the directory. Membership is free. 

What does this cost?

This service is free. 

Who is this for?

Women-owned and women-led businesses in Scotland. 

How long does this take?

The application should take between 5 to 10 minutes to complete.  

Next steps

Visit the Women’s Business Centre site to sign up for free membership and list your business.

Support provided by Womens Enterprise Scotland

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