Self-assessment tool for building standards verifiers
Last Updated: 29 Nov 2021
Support provided by
Scottish Government
What does this involve?
This self-assessment tool is designed to help verifiers evaluate their approach to continuous improvement in order to meet their obligations under the Operating Framework for Building Standards Verifiers 2021.
The tool lets verifiers self-assess their service against 8 business areas and evaluate how they set out to resource, deliver, manage and develop their service. The business areas can be assessed individually and in any order.
The tool is a practical resource. You do not need formal training or previous knowledge of quality management systems to use it.
Your results can be used to develop targeted improvement actions which can be summarised in your continuous improvement plan. There is no expectation for the outcome to be submitted to Building Standards Division (BSD) of Scottish Government.
The 8 business areas are:
1. Improvement-focused leadership
2. Delivery of the verification service
3. Policies, planning and procedures
4. Workforce management and support
5. Impact on staff
6. Impact on partners and industry
7. Impact on customer experience
8. Key performance outcomes
The tool is available online or as a downloadable 32-page PDF file (521.1 kB)
What does this cost?
This is a free service.
Who is this for?
Building standards verifiers in Scotland.
How long does this take?
It will take around 30 minutes to read through the questions in the tool. The time required to complete all questions will vary.
Next steps
Visit the Scottish Government website for more information and to access the tool.
Support provided by
Scottish Government