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Get your internal learning and training formally credited by the SCQF

Support provided by Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

What does this involve?

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) is Scotland’s national qualifications framework and provides a way of recognising, describing and comparing the difficulty and time taken to achieve of a whole range of qualifications and learning programmes.

Many employers develop rigorous and challenging training that satisfies business needs, and is highly valued by staff, but does not receive any recognition outside of the workplace.

By having internal training SCQF credit rated, your training will receive national recognition not just in Scotland but throughout the UK, Europe and beyond. Credit rating allows you to formally allocate SCQF levels and credits to your training and have it placed on Scotland’s national qualifications framework.

Having your learning programme recognised on the SCQF is beneficial because:

• it ensures your learning programmes will be recognised not just in Scotland but across the rest of UK and Europe
• your learning programmes will relate to nationally recognised qualifications
• it adds value to your in-house training and could give you an edge over the competition
• the learning achieved by your employees will be formally recognised, improving their morale and self-esteem
• it makes your organisation a more attractive and rewarding place to work for prospective and current employees

The SCQF Partnership offers free advice and a free one-day ‘Would you credit it?’ workshop to help you understand how to prepare your learning and training programmes for credit rating.

In addition, the ‘SCQF Credit Rating: Criteria Explained’ resource also takes you through the process and is downloadable through the web page link below.

What does this cost?

The SCQF Partnership offers free advice and training about how to get your programmes ready for credit rating.

The SCQF can also advise you on which credit rating bodies provide a third party credit rating service. These credit rating bodies will charge different amounts depending on the length and nature of your course.

Who is this for?

Any organisation wanting to find out more about how to formally acknowledge in-house training or informal training sessions.

How long does this take?

The 'Would You Credit it?' training takes a day to complete.

The ‘SCQF Credit Rating: Criteria Explained’ guide is designed to be dipped into as needed. It's a 32 page document which would take around 30 minutes to read.

Next steps

Visit the SCQF website to find out more about the SCQF and the process of having your learning and training recognised on the framework.

Support provided by Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

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