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East Dunbartonshire Business Start-Up Grant

Support provided by East Dunbartonshire Council

What does this involve?

East Dunbartonshire Council offers a start-up grant of £500 for businesses that are starting to trade in the area.

The grant can be used to cover most expenses of a new business, except for ongoing costs such as salary, rent and utilities and the purchase of motor vehicles.

Your application form will be issued following a meeting with a Business Gateway start-up business adviser, which must take place before you can apply.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • can demonstrate that your business is trading from an address in East Dunbartonshire
  • are not employed outwith the business for more than 21 hours per week
  • are not in arrears with East Dunbartonshire Council
  • have attended a Business Gateway Business Start-up Awareness Seminar
  • have attended a one-to-one meeting with a business adviser from Business Gateway East Dunbartonshire

What does this cost?

It is free to apply for the Start-Up Grant. The business advice provided is also free.

Who is this for?

Businesses that are starting to trade in East Dunbartonshire or have started up in the past 6 months. 

How long does this take?

After you attend the Business Gateway Start-Up Awareness Seminar and the meeting with a start-up business adviser, the length of time from submission of application to payment is usually 20 working days.

Important information

The grant will be paid retrospectively into your business bank account after you submit evidence to show the total project expenditure, proof that you have started trading and any other information required.

You need to attend a Business Gateway Start-Up Awareness Seminar and a meeting with a start-up business adviser before you can apply.

Next steps

Visit the East Dunbartonshire Council website for more information.

Support provided by East Dunbartonshire Council

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