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North Ayrshire Council - Inward Investment Service

Support provided by North Ayrshire Council

What does this involve?

North Ayrshire Council offers a bespoke inward investment service for any business looking to locate in the area. This includes:

  • a dedicated point of contact to manage your enquiry through every stage
  • access to a wide-ranging partnership of key agencies and organisations, including the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce, Ayrshire College, University of the West of Scotland, and national bodies such as Scottish Enterprise and Skills Development Scotland
  • specialised support in the green and digital economies
  • property and land searches
  • site visits and tours
  • early engagement with local planners, and guidance on planning requirements
  • bespoke support with procurement and recruitment
  • ongoing business support to ensure you are embedded in the area and supported to grow
  • support to access appropriate grants and funding

North Ayrshire has an excellent location on the west coast of Scotland, 30 minutes from Glasgow city centre, with access to worldwide markets by road, air, rail and sea. The travel-to-work area has over 835,200 potential employees, almost a quarter of Scotland’s total working age population, and easy access to 4 universities serving more than 90,000 students.

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are a potential investor or looking to locate your business in North Ayrshire.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

Potential investors and anyone seeking to base their business in North Ayrshire.

How long does this take?

North Ayrshire's Business Team will respond to your enquiry within 5 working days.

Next steps

Visit North Ayrshire Council's website for more information.

Support provided by North Ayrshire Council

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