Strategic planning - the basics
Last Updated: 29 Nov 2021
Support provided by
Business Gateway
What does this involve?
While a business plan sets short to medium-term goals, a strategic plan takes a longer view in pursuit of business growth. Business Gateway’s quick guide to the basics of strategic planning can tell you all you need to know to plan for growth.
The guide explains the purpose of strategic planning and the 3 key elements: the current picture, your vision for the future and the changes needed to achieve this. It then sets out how to get started – including who else to involve – and discusses your options for strategic analysis.
There’s a section on what to include in your written plan and another on how to implement it. Importantly, there is also a section on how to overcome the challenges that strategic planning can present for business owners, who are personally invested in the enterprise.
Am I eligible?
Yes, if you are thinking about starting, or already run, a business in Scotland.
What does this cost?
This is a free and impartial service.
Who is this for?
Any business based in Scotland that’s looking to grow in the medium to long term.
How long does this take?
Take 9 minutes to learn the basics of strategic planning.
Important information
Strategic planning can be uncomfortable for business owners as it may require you to do things differently. But it’s important to tackle the process honestly and head-on to explore all possible options for growing the business.
Next steps
Visit the Business Gateway website for more information on strategic planning.
Support provided by
Business Gateway