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Disclosure and Protecting Vulnerable Groups training

Support provided by Disclosure Scotland

What does this involve?

Disclosure Scotland offers free online training to businesses and organisations that use the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme and/or are looking to employ someone with past convictions.

The PVG scheme is a membership scheme for people who work with children or protected adults.

Organisations can use disclosures to help decide if you’re suitable for the role that you're applying for.

There are 3 training sessions available:

  • PVG Eligibility - discover the purpose of the PVG scheme, available disclosure types and when to use them
  • PVG Duty to Refer - learn about PVG referrals, your organisation's obligations around referrals and the 'consideration' process
  • Helping Employers Recruit Fairly - find out how to make defensible, risk-based recruitment decisions while ensuring candidates with past convictions still get fair opportunity

Each session lasts for 2 to 2.5 hours. Attendees will have the chance to work on real life case studies and share their own experiences in a safe and supportive environment.

Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Disclosure Scotland is an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government and shares information about people's criminal records.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible if you are a business/organisation that:

  •  conducts work in Scotland
  •  provides regulated work services for children and/or protected adults
  •  is registered or intends to register with Disclosure Scotland to use disclosure services, including the PVG scheme

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

Businesses and organisations that conduct regulated work with children and/or protected adults in Scotland.

How long does this take?

The training sessions are held at least twice a week. Each session lasts for 2 to 2.5 hours.

Important information

This training is designed for organisations that use the PVG scheme and their delegates. It is not recommended for members of the public looking to gather information on their personal disclosure status.

Disclosure Scotland offers bespoke training sessions to assist registered PVG countersignatories or those involved in the recruitment processes for their organisations.

Next steps

Visit Disclosure Scotland’s website for more information and to register for a free training session.


Support provided by Disclosure Scotland

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